Thank YOU!

I just have to say thank you to my wonderful boyfriend. He is always there for me, and he always supports me. He makes me laugh and when I speak with him I forget all the things that bothers me. 
So, THANK YOU Evert! For being so nice and kind to me, and thank you for being my boyfriend, the best boyfriend in this world! 

I love yyou, More than everything! 
Now, then, forever!

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Postat av: Evert

i am supporting you because you are so nice and wonderful and kind to me and you are making me happy are the one that is making me that. and i need to thank you, for all the good things that you have done for me. i am so happy with us, that if i see you, i am melting down from my chair. and i never want to loose you my wonderful girl of luck.

jag alska dey my tjej

2012-03-02 - 16:32:58

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