I'm proud over myself. Do I have to be ashamed that I am in a so higher level than you?

Tests, always that such of tests.
Tests that show if you are good enough or if you're too stupid to make it.
A test must show how good you are, so you can feel a bit better than they who failed. A test must show how fast you can write in a depressed situation. A test must show if you are good enough to know how the teachers want you to be.


Why should people be different?
Can a test prove who is more cleaver than the other person?
Can a piece of paper decide a persons future?

Yes it can. Because if you fail on the tests, you are nothing but stupid.
If you fail, in that total moment, than you are not good enough to be an adult with a work and family. If you fail. If anyone fail. They're nothing, except not good enough.

In my world you can't decide who is more cleaver than the other. So why must the real world be like that?

-Time, tests and The feeling you always have in you back of mind - I could have done that better, or more correct or just; I wanted to do it good enough.

I wanted to be good enough.

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